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Chantry Fine Art Collection

Subject:  Portrait of an Edwardian Lady

Artist:  Ronald Gray RWS NEAC (1868-1951)

Provenance:  see below

Date:    1908  Size:  23”x20”    

Condition:  Fine

Frame:   It resides in its original frame and would be distinguished in the finest of settings.

Details:   A distinguished 19th/20th century artist, he was born in London and studied at the Westminster School of art and at Julien’s in Paris.        

His metier was figure, portraiture and landscape.        

One of his portraits “My Mother” was bought by the Chantrey Bequest in 1925.

He was a prolific exhibitor, with 89 works at the New English Art Club, 87 at the Goupil Gallery, 57 at the Royal Watercolour Society, 26 at Colnaghi’s, 6 at the Royal Academy and a host of other salons.


He was elected NEA in 1923, ARWS in 1934 and RWS in 1941.

This very beautiful oil portrait of an unknown Edwardian lady was painted in 1908.     

It is signed and dated at the bottom right corner.      

It resides in its original frame and would be distinguished in the finest of settings.        

It is in fine condition.          

Highly recommended to a discerning buyer.

Please note the following: Chantry Fine Art are happy to supply buyers with a photographic image of this item and believe that all of the details given are correct to the best of their knowledge. Buyers may wish to carry out their own research and again, Chantry Fine Art are more than happy to supply any information that might assist - you can contact Chantry Fine Art either by telephone or email.

Digital reproduction through cameras and monitor screens may not render the true colours of the portraits.

Prospective buyers may also arrange, by appointment, to view individual items.

Contact details can be found using the ‘contact’ link in the navigation bar at the top and bottom of each page.

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest in Chantry Fine Art.

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